The Official Find Mike Touloumtzis & Co. Web Page

Mike. I own you, unless of course, you get, .net, .org, .biz, .cc, or even just, all of which are presently available. Can't imagine why. But for now, for this moment, I own you.
Web Collected Matter:
Up on the upper roof, I talked a bit with Mike Touloumtzis, the only one of my co-workers who seemed to be having a good time. He had had a good dinner the night before, at a Japanese seafood restaurant. I was pretty sure that I wouldn't like a Japanese seafood restaurant, but Mike's an omnivorous foodie.

On the upper floor (or lower roof), I talked to my co-workers, and heard another take on the previous night's dinner. The client company had taken everyone out to a seafood restaurant. As Mike had pointed out, a seafood restaurant in Japan is a wonderful thing if you like seafood. But two members of the group didn't like seafood, and had spent the evening grossed out and starving.
dear arm-bot,

yes, i'd like to report a problem. i think there's a kernel of corn loose somewhere in my hermit bootloader. I will try to get the shoehorn out and get a better view of things. but if this does not work, i may have to crosslink the blue mug to the red tea set and plug it into the green bowl. I'll keep you posted.

Your Loving and Devoted,

Did You Know: Mike Touloumtzis once stayed up for fifty-two hours while working on something, which to this day, nobody, not even his boss, knows what it was about.

Status: Reconnoitered

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